Sabba Khan
The Roles we Play
SABBA KHAN is a born and bred East Londoner whose work as a visual artist, graphic novelist and architectural designer is framed by her experience as a second generation immigrant. Originally trained as an architect at Central Saint Martins and the University of Westminster, Sabba weaves design ideas into her art practice.
Collaborators for Khan’s comics work include The British Council, SOAS, NHS, London Borough of Newham, JCWI and The British Library. An extract from Sabba’s debut graphic novel, The Roles We Play, was shortlisted for the Myriad First Graphic Novel Award, and its making was supported by Jerwood Arts. The Roles We Play explores how Khan’s lived experience has been informed by her family’s migration history, and the intergenerational trauma one can face if that history is largely unacknowledged. Awards include Winner: Broken Frontier Break Out Talent 2021, as well as The Roles We Play’s selection among Guardian’s Books of the Year: Graphic Novels 2021. She also contributed to the Eisner Award-winning anthology Drawing Power. Sabba Khan is also co-director of Khan Bonshek, an architectural practice set up by her and her partner in Stratford, London, where both are completing the final stages of their self-build home.
Short list
Consumed, Arifa Akbar (Sceptre)
Somebody Loves You, Mona Arshi (And Other Stories)
Like a Tree, Walking, Vahni Capildeo (Carcanet)
Keeping the House, Tice Cin (And Other Stories)
The Roles We Play, Sabba Khan (Myriad)
Things I Have Withheld, Kei Miller (Canongate Books)
Long list
Consumed, Arifa Akbar (Sceptre)
Somebody Loves You, Mona Arshi (And Other Stories)
Gay Bar, Jeremy Atherton Lin (Granta)
Like a Tree, Walking, Vahni Capildeo (Carcanet)
Keeping the House, Tice Cin (And Other Stories)
A Blood Condition, Kayo Chingonyi (Chatto &Windus)
The Roles We Play, Sabba Khan (Myriad)
Honorifics, Cynthia Miller (Nine Arches Press)
Things I Have Withheld, Kei Miller (Canongate Books)
The Khan, Saima Mir (PointBlank)
Brown Baby, Nikesh Shukla (Bluebird)
Things We Do Not Tell People We Love, Huma Qureshi (Sceptre)
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